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I believe it’s important for judges and attorneys alike to learn to consider the individual, and not just the crime.  It’s not a lesson that comes from the classroom.

A third-year law student at Nashville School of Law has gone from the high school to the collage.  The reason that’s important is because this isn’t a guy from the street.  A lawyer isn’t normally a guy that has learned from the street of hard knocks.

He has no idea of how fast an uneducated man can get himself into trouble.

Volunteering with the Public Defender’s Office in Tenn. Is a far cry from understanding why a man is looking for affordable divorce lawyers in Nashville, Tennessee.

Working as a public intern providing free legal aid to those who the government decides is entitled to it but can’t afford it, and assisting district attorneys and judges in representing their clients doesn’t let you really walk a mile in a normal guys shoes.

I am talking about real world experiences that don’t always enrich one’s life.  Real world experiences that bring lessons learnt, belief, value and benefits but in today’s world of an overabundance of government, laws, and stupidity could end you in legal problems.

We have generation after generation, attorney, after attorney, judge after judge, and politician after politician that seems incapable of understanding the problems that face real people.

I don’t care about your wars, laws or your inability to work a real 8 hour day.  I’d just like to be left alone.  And if I make a mistake when I am young and need to hire an affordable divorce attorney in Nashville Tennessee I don’t want it to cost me an arm and a leg.

For more than 100 years, enterprising men and women who most often are working 80 hours a week pursuing their own business goals, end up with problems from a degreeless police officer.

It’s not enough to dedicate time, even if it is considerable time and energy to public service, if you don’t have love in your heart.

Too truly be prepared for work as a politician, attorney, or judge there should be a compassion for the people you will rule over.  At the very least politicians should have a Christ like compassion and love for the people they will rule over.

Yet none of them have that.

They are taught theory, history, golf and music by instructors who have never had to live in the real world.  How could any of them have a love for anyone other than themselves?

But then nothing needs to prepare them for a life they will never have to live.

It’s truly difficult to find a judge, public defender, politician, or attorney that you are able to work alongside that is truly passionate about justice. 

Someone that when it’s all over you can say they have a delight for justice and not the law.

Can We Really Trust affordable divorce lawyers in Nashville

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